
Customer Alert


Mobile Beacon’s current 4G Internet service on CLEAR’s WiMAX network will be discontinued on or around November 6, 2015, according to Sprint who has purchased CLEAR.


When the tower that serves your area is decommissioned, service to your CLEAR device will be discontinued. To continue to receive our $10/month service, all Mobile Beacon customers will need to purchase a new LTE-enabled device when available. Exact timing to be determined on a location-by-location basis.  We’re working to transition our customers to Sprint’s expanded LTE network, but the timeline and other service-related details have not yet been finalized.






The full transition from CLEAR’s WiMAX network to Sprint’s expanded LTE network is expected to be completed in November 2015, but exact timing may vary on a city by city basis. We’re working to make the transition as seamless as possible and we’ll keep you updated as further details become available. We encourage you to visit our Sprint Update Hub for updated information. To stay up-to-date on the latest information, sign up for our Sprint Transition Update emails. As soon as we have any news, you will too.




What almost happened to 300,000 people on November 6, 2015.



Check back often for the latest details on the transition.