“We are currently reviewing Commissioner Carr’s letter and we will respond appropriately. In the meantime, I note that NACEPF and Mobile Beacon have already provided the Commission with extensive information about the scope and depth of our existing programs, which specifically and successfully provide broadband for educational purposes, not only in our licensed market areas but throughout all 50 states. Moreover, over 95% of all organizations and individuals that filed comments in this proceeding have told the Commission to preserve EBS for education, many detailing various ways they are using Mobile Beacon’s service to support education throughout the U.S.
Today, our broadband service is used by 830 schools, 1019 public libraries, and 4880 nonprofits to benefit students of all ages and abilities. We’ve been innovators and leaders in developing programs that specifically address the homework gap and digital divide. We pioneered the library hotspot lending model which enables patrons without home internet access to “check-out” the internet so they are not limited to library hours for access to technology. Schools are using our EBS service to provide WiFi on school buses, off-campus connectivity for student-athletes as well as hospitalized children, to keep classrooms running in the wake of natural disasters, and to provide home connectivity for low-income families that cannot afford commercial rates.